Speaker Details

Angie Jones
Biography: Angie Jones is the Global Vice President of Developer Relations at Block, Inc. She is an award-winning teacher and international keynote speaker who shares her wealth of knowledge at software companies and conferences all over the world. As a Master Inventor, Angie is known for her innovative and out-of-the-box thinking style which has resulted in more than 25 patented inventions in the areas of virtual worlds, collaboration software, social networking, smarter planet, and software development processes.
Presentation: Air Fryers, Automation, and AI
What do air fryers, automation, and AI have in common? More than you might think! New technologies like AI and intelligent agents aren’t here to replace tools like Selenium. They’re here to work alongside them, expanding what’s possible in automation. In this talk, we’ll uncover how Selenium WebDriver remains a critical component for browser automation, even as we integrate AI to tackle increasingly complex workflows. Whether you’re an automation engineer, a technology enthusiast, or just someone who loves air fryers (like me!), this talk will leave you hungry for what's next in automation!